Wednesday 26 December 2012

Timeshare Title Companies

I worked for an attorney who specialized in real estate law for nearly 15 years.  During the course of my tenure at that firm, it was my responsibility to evaluate title and take curative measures if and when necessary to ensure the clear transfer of title to our client.  Needless to say, my position was one that required close relationships and good rapport with a number of title insurers, underwriters and agencies.  Due to the high-volume and technically-detailed nature of our specialty, when it came to timeshare title and timeshare title transfer, we wanted to work with someone who was familiar with a number of state laws or had in-house attorneys that were licensed to practice in the states where we conducted the majority of our business.  We needed timeshare title companies and timeshare closing companies that were specialists in the states where our properties were located.

We have our own proprietary timeshare title companies in the state of Michigan, but who better than a Florida licensed attorney to conduct and oversee timeshare title transfer for our Florida properties?  And it is highly unlikely that our closing specialists are going to understand the state requirements for closing documents in the state of Hawaii.  When it comes to timeshare title, it is imperative that one uses timeshare closing companies that are properly trained and authorized to prepare the documents and conduct the closing in such a manner as required by local statutes.  That is why we partnered with They are licensed to issue title insurance and have attorney partnerships in multiple states, allowing us to turn over the process with confidence in those states where we are not licensed to practice.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Timeshare Selling

When you bought the place, you thought you would be there forever. Now, you are not so sure.  You loved the place when you purchased it, but it just is not what it used to be. However, you also are a little leery of the selling process. Phrases like “directtransfer timeshare” and “escrowagreement” sound frightening. You would not know how to sell a timeshare even if you wanted to. Before letting the selling process scare you away, consider using a company that will help you with the selling process.
                Companies like are licensed professionals that can help you with your selling process. For a small fee, they can handle all the legal headache associated with selling a piece of real estate. Some companies provide direct transfer timeshares which means that you can pay them to take the timeshare off your hands. That way you can walk away from the bills and headache without having to worry about it again. Other companies will set up an escrow agreement with you where they will work with you and the purchaser as a type of broker. Some companies do most of the advertising for you and treat it like a real estate company while others can just help you with the paperwork.
                Deciding to sell a piece of real estate is a big decision. Many companies exist that will help you know how to sell your timeshare and will work with you all along the way. 

Selling Your Timeshare

Everyone seems to have his or her view of the perfect vacation. Maybe it is a cabin up in the mountains someplace. Maybe it is a house on the beach.  Regardless,  buying that second vacation spot sounds like a wonderful opportunity. For some people, buyinga timeshare as a second home is a great investment. For others, it can turn into a nightmare.
                If you find yourself in a situation where you want to sell your timeshare, you can choose whether to sell it yourself or to use a company. There are advantages and disadvantages to each.
1.       Sell it yourself. This requires you to go through many of the same procedures that would come along with selling your own house. You will have showings and have to deal with advertising. Many times you might be able to get more money for it, but it can also cause a lot of headache as well.
2.       Use a company. There are many companies that specialize in helping you sell your timeshare. Some of them offer direct transfer of your timeshare which allows you to get rid of it quickly. Others use escrow agreements which allow you to use them as your broker as you work out contracts. However, this method does require you to pay the company that you use.
As you are deciding how to sell a timeshare, you can keep in mind the advantages and disadvantages of choosing to sell it yourself or of using a company. Some methods, such as direct transfer timeshares, require less work for you, but they might also provide less money for you. Escrow agreements can provide you someone who will go between you and a potential buyer. Deciding how to sell a timeshare can be a bit tricky, but understanding the options available can help you through this process. 

Deciding Whether to Sell Your Timeshare

You did it. You bought your dream “home away from home.” You have enjoyed your time at the beach or your cabin in the woods, but now you are not sure whether it is the place for you anymore or not. You know that it would cost money to keep the timeshare, but you also know that you might never be able to purchase another one like it. As you try to decide whether or not to keep the timeshare, here are some non-monetary things to consider. 
1.       What does your family think? Many times, family members have opinions about a timeshare. Perhaps they see that no one uses it and they think that it is a great idea to sell it. Other times, there might be a strong emotional connection to the place. Maybe your kids were hoping to bring their children there someday. Talking to the family can help you make your decision.
2.       Where is it? If you have a timeshare in a picturesque area of the world that will soon be overrun with civilization or you have a place that is in a city that is shrinking, evaluate whether the place is going to stay a place you want to vacation to or not.
3.       How can you use it in the future? Do you still have the same interests and hobbies as you did when you purchased the place? If you were an avid skier when you purchased the house in the Rockies and now you are in a wheelchair, the place may not be for you.
As you consider whether to sell your timeshare or not, you can look into what work is required in selling a timeshare. Looking up how to sell a timeshare will give you an idea of the different types of selling procedures, such as using direct transfer timeshares or entering into an escrow agreement. By using things like direct transfer timeshares, you can avoid a lot of the hassle of selling your place, and escrow agreements take out a lot of the hassle of dealing with the interested parties; however, before thinking about all that, you do need to ask yourself whether selling your timeshare is something that you want to do.

Friday 13 July 2012

Escrow Agreement

The purchase of a timeshare from a timeshare company is a great opportunity for affordable and exciting vacations, but you first have to close the real estate deal before you can begin your vacations. Anyone who has purchased real estate knows that it is a very complicated process that is best left to the experts. At Close My Timeshare, we specialize in handling all the details of the closing process for you.

There are other companies out there who handle closings, but our process works in such a way that you can be assured that everything will be prepared to the proper legal requirements in the state you are purchasing the timeshare. From the preparation of documents, handling the escrow agreement, deed preparation, and transferring funds, we have you covered for the entire closing process. Our experts and licensed attorneys will ensure that your timeshare closing process is done correctly and efficiently and we make sure to have an attorney who is licensed in the state handling the documents.

You may be saying to yourself, “I don’t even know what an escrow agreement is.” There may be lots of questions like this that arise as you go through the process with the timeshare company. We will be here to walk you through the process and answer any of the questions that may come up.

So allow yourself to quickly get to the fun part of purchasing a timeshare-planning your upcoming vacation. Close My Timeshare will take care of the closing process efficiently and with the utmost in accuracy.

Timeshare Closing Company

If you are purchasing a timeshare, no doubt you are excited about the great vacations that you can now look forward to. However, the process of closing the timeshare with the timeshare company can be confusing, especially if you are dealing with an area that you are not familiar with. Close My Timeshare can take care of this closing process for you so you can get back to planning your future vacations.
We can handle the whole process for you, ensuring that your closing goes smoothly. We will prepare the deed and documents, handle the escrow agreement, deed insurance, and notify the resort of the transfer of ownership. We will also handle the transfer of funds to the appropriate parties.
We are equipped to handle closing in 25 states and have licensed attorneys for several states. If we do not have an in-house attorney for a state, we contract with a licensed attorney to ensure that the legal documents are prepared correctly. This is important because in some states it is required that an attorney licensed to practice law in that state handles the closing. It is also important to have someone who is familiar with the process in that state handling the closing. You do not want to have an improperly prepared document slow down your closing process or, even worse, cost you extra money.
Purchasing a timeshare and working with the timeshare company can be a confusing process. Conducting a real estate transaction in a different location can be quite hectic. Close My Timeshare is here to work on your behalf to ensure that the closing process goes smoothly.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Escrow Agreement Provided by Timeshare Company

Property, land, and estate ownership are some of the most important and valuable assets that you can have. That being said, it’s wise to have a proper escrow agreement from a timeshare company help you to properly transfer titles or close a sale on estate whenever relevant. It would be a shame to get in a legal bind or mess simply because you wanted to circumvent legalities and formal documentation. Beyond those essentials, there’s more to learn about all the time that can help better prepare you for selling and owning new land. You might start simply learning about the basic definition of what actually constitutes a piece of real estate! Read on.
    Legally, there will be a very detailed and exact description of the piece of land. That is what the definition of the estate will be, in a technical sense. It is written up over time and is changed according to the different titles (owners) it may pass through. When titles change, as will be described first in an escrow agreement, this detailed description of the land will be used in the process. This isn’t necessarily the street address, and it’s not necessarily the shortened description that you’ll find on the real estate tax bill that the property owner will owe. If the exact legal description is not used on a timeshare or transfer deed by timeshare companies, then you may only be technically referring to a portion of the property when in fact you intended for it to be the whole thing. Be careful with details and make sure you’ve chosen a good legal group among timeshare companies to ensure your success and exactness.